Her father worked around the clock, but it still wasn’t enough.
Melissa gave him the ultimatum.
Either they found smarter ways to work or she would quit their family business.
Now, it’s a piece of cake.
The savings are insane.
Kim Åge Larsen, CEO, Larsens Bakeri
It’s absolutely wild. I didn’t think it was possible.
Larsens Bakeri was established in 1995 by the baker and confectioner Kim Åge Larsen, son of the Danish baker, Svend Åge Larsen. His wife Solveig is also involved in the company. So are four of their five children. In other words, it is a real family business in which the children early learned about business. The company’s turnover last year (2020) was well over NOK 14 million with around 35 employees.
The bakery has a good selection of bakery products based on traditional Danish and Norwegian recipes. They produce cakes and breads of supreme quality. Today, they have several outlets in southern region of Norway. The bakery’s well-reputed products mean that they can be found on the shelves in all the main grocery chains in their area.
Saves a great deal of time
Switching to MyFoodOffice would prove to be the bakery’s most profitable investment ever. They went from many manual and labor-intensive processes to a solution that would revolutionize the entire business.
– Previously, we used a generic accounting and ordering system, locally installed on a single PC. With MyFoodOffice, we have a tailor-made system for the bakery industry which is also adapted to us. If there is something you would like customised, just make a phone call or send an e-mail. With MyFoodOffice, we have someone who know both the system and bakery operations. In addition, they are very flexible. Input for changes and adaptations is arranged within a very short time. We have never experienced anything similar, says Kim Åge Larsen.
– We started with allergens and food declarations. Then, we continued with product costing, and not least to mention ordering and invoicing. It has resulted in an insane saving. Just for myself, I save 40-50 hours every month. It’s absolutely wild. I didn’t think it was possible. Everything is in the system and can be done with a few clicks.

– We also save an hour every day by the stores placing their own orders. The only thing we do is to print the packing slip. With two clicks, the invoice goes out to everyone. The operations can be done from anywhere. If you are on holiday and have online access, you can easily follow up any urgent matters just where you are.
– Previously, we spent a very long time training a person before going on holiday. We now have many users of MyFoodOffice. The software is intuitive and easy to use. With many users, we have great flexibility in relation to both holiday arrangements and in the event of sick leave.
– This has to be the most ingenious thing ever invented in the baking industry. In any case, it is the most profitable investment we have made in a long time. In addition, we have gotten rid of a lot of frustration from customers and employees.
– I started out small in 1995. Good customer service has always been important to us. The customers could send a message or call in an order or change until I started work at 10 p.m. It went well at the start when there weren’t that many customers, but when there are changes late in the evening from 15-16 customers, there are a lot of details and it’s easy to forget something. In MyFoodOffice, we have decided that our customers have until 4pm to place their order. This has created a calmer everyday life. And we don’t have to enter orders and changes manually afterwards. When you’ve worked all night, it’s good not to have to sit down with office work afterwards, says Kim Åge.

More value creation and free time
– How will you use the time you have saved from using MyFoodOffice?
First, we are now able to handle more customers. Second, we have more time to be social. For us as a family business in which both my wife and our four children work, family events and family trips have been a major operational challenge. Now we can both go on holiday together and have family gatherings without worrying about the bakery operations. It’s just a wonderful gain, says Kim Åge Larsen.
His daughter Melissa nods and smiles, knowing that it is largely thanks to her ultimatum, and her demanding her father to adopt modern technology in the company. She actually threatened to quit if not. Today, they are both satisfied that the company made an important technological choice.
– MyFoodOffice costs a little more than the solution we had previously, but it is worth every penny. We save so much time on everything. We actually save almost an entire position by using MyFoodOffice. That’s a lot of money in one year. I didn’t think we could save so much time by just changing the software, says Kim Åge Larsen.

More sales
By using MyFoodOffice, customers can also see their whole product range. Previously, our customers just continued to order what they had always been buying. With MyFoodOffice, they are now being presented with other quality food products they are also selling. This has given Larsens Bakery a somewhat unexpected additional sale on their existing customers.
– MyFoodOffice makes our wider product range available to the customer. It has been an unexpected gain, say father and daughter.

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We got everything you need to manage your
Food Business
B2B Sales
Running a chain of shops, wholesale or B2B? The all-in-one solution for all your sales channels.
Go digital with your production. Have right-sized recipe batches automatically prepared.
Our digital tools speed up the order picking and packing operations. Fewer errors and happier team.
Cut out needless data entry between systems. Automate the data flow with your POS, accounting or webshop.
Food Products
Food Declaration
Get all your recipes organised. Make sure your food declarations are correct and up-to-date.
Pro Tools
Are food declarations your dedicated responsibility? Benefit from our powerful tools that takes you further.
Food Labels
Easily automate your label design and content generation. Always up-to-date with your recipes.
Food Costing
Know your sales margins and meet the competition with confidence. Actionable insight for improved profits.
MyFoodOffice helps you